Here are some examples that I've encountered in France:
- You walk. You bike. You ride the bus. You take the train. You rarely drive.
- Frigos (refrigerators) are tiny, and don't include a freezer.
- If you want people to stare at you like you're an alien, wear shorts. Or a dress. Europeans wear pants.
- You eat breakfast. Then lunch. Then dinner. There are no snacks.
- *My personal favorite* Beaurocracy is king. You need a cellphone.
You need a bank card for a cell phone. You need a resident address for
a bank account. Oh and you need a bank account to sign a lease for the
resident address for the bank card for the cellphone. Riiight.
- The French are obsessed with Tisane, herbal tea. And now I'm addicted, too.
- Finally, the French know George Clooney differently than we do. Why don't we see this in America?