Sunday, November 13

Your Opinion Please

Seventh week of French Living and I have made a few promises.  And I require your assistance!

1.  To cook...well on my way as you can see below.  But send me recipes that you love or want to try and I'll let you know how they turn out ;-)

2.  To read...have made no headway.  Need fantabulous book recommendations.  Will read almost anything.

3.  To travel...have begun checking places off of my list.  What are some places you love in Europe?


  1. 1. My favorite recipe I have is homemade mac and cheese, but clearly you've already mastered that! P.S. Please make that meal again when you come back to NY?! It looked amazingly delicious.

    2. The Hunger Games series. Just finished it. Incredible.

    3. Barcelona, Sevilla, San Sebastián (little Spanish beach town), Venice, Edinburgh & Morocco.

  2. WOO! Thanks for the lovely recommendations, will hunt down the Hunger Games in time for that movie!

    Will definitely try to make it to your fave European locations. Venice, check.

    And of course, I will whip up so many things, don't you even worry!
